By Michael Sean McHale
The first thing I did when I got the news was call my Aunt Barbara. She was the wonderful woman who adopted my brother Richard when he was a baby and my beautiful mother was given a direct choice…him or me…She only chose me because I was almost 4 at the time and knew my mother. Anyway, I got my Auntie on the phone and told her to tell my brother that OUR mother had just died. I also wanted him at the funeral. Sadly, he did not attend because he literally had just found out who his mother was on that day. (that’s what I was told). The next call was to my closest friends and my ex, Marc W. who offered to buy my ticket for me to fly home to bury my mother. He told me he was happy to use his miles for that. The last call was to my Uncle Danny who was already on his way up from Georgia. He has always been one of the rocks in our family.
When I arrived in my hometown, my bff Joey S. met with me and helped me put together a simple and beautiful flyer for the funeral to hand out (the front of it was in the last entry). My mother and I had talked about her death on many occasions in the past. She told me “Don’t you DARE put me in a coffin or I swear I’ll come back to haunt you!” So she was cremated. Danny and I met with the head of Lynch-Cantillion funeral home to pick out an urn. I saw a gorgeous blue one (in photo) and told him THAT’S the one! The owner smiled nervously…”That’s an urn for a baby. Here’s the adult one.” I looked at the adult version and it was HUGE! She would most certainly come back to haunt me if I continued her ‘largeness’ after her death. I smiled and told the owner, “Well, she’s my baby….we’ll take the baby urn.”
On the day of the funeral, June 9th, 1997 at Wildwood Cemetery, her ashes were to be buried on top of my Great grandmother, Martha Susan Nixon’s grave. The only problem was they had her birthdate WRONG…as 1947! They shaved a year off of my mom! What the hell?! I don’t know why this upset me. She was younger, that’s a good thing. 😊 It got fixed. There were about a hundred or more people there. Many were children all grown up that my mother had been a nanny to over the years. They all came up and told me how much they loved my mother. 😊 I spoke at her gravesite where I actually ‘came out’ to everyone at the same time when I said, “My mother accepted me when I told her I was gay…” (my nana was about to fall out of her chair) “…and she accepted me even more when I found out that I had AIDS…” Aaaaaaand over nana went off the chair. Everyone was happy that I told my truth. My mother gave me the strength to do just that. I had everyone sing the song I wrote for my mom and we ended with Amazing Grace. And then I did as instructed…In the Catholic faith you can’t ‘pay’ a priest for being at a funeral. You’re supposed to ‘drop’ the money in front of them so it touches the sacred ground and THEN they can take it. God, I hope this is true…that’s what I was told. I did it and the wonderful priest happily took it. Btw, he was one of the good ones. 😊
Back in Los Angeles, I had my first event on Saturday, June 14th. A big party in Pasadena. I REALLY REALLY didn’t want to do it but I I did. As I was driving on the 110 weeping, I kept crying out to my mom telling her “I just want to know that you’re happy! I NEED to know that you’re HAPPY!!!!” Suddenly the car next to me got in front of me to exit (I was in the slow lane)…in the back seat of the car was a little boy smiling and waving…I smiled through my tears and then looked down at the license plate….it read “VRYHPPY” OMG!!! VERY HAPPY!!!! I laughed and wept so hard, “Alright alright! I get it! I get it! You’re VERY HAPPY!!!!” From that magical moment on, things go a LITTLE easier…The rest of the year I was most certainly numb and could barely function. Even today, I miss her every day but I know she’s with me all the time. And her ashes???? Oh boy! Since she took the baby urn, there were plenty of ashes to go around. You’ll hear more about moms’ ashes adventures later throughout the years. 😊
A couple of months later, in August of 97, I had a dream…and I KNOW my mother was behind it. I was in a park with a beautiful collie (I love collies)…and I threw a frisbee up in the air and the collie jumped up to grab it and as she did, her head transformed into the head of a T-rex and she CHOMPED on the frisbee! I also heard the word DinoDogz! I woke up immediately and wrote down the name and I also got the first five name, TRISCHNAUZERTOPS! POODLESAURUSREXINA! TERRIERDACTYL! STEGOSPALNIELSAURUS and BRONTOBULLDOGOSAURUS! I was sooo excited! My friend Worthie came that morning to drive me to the dentist (he was using my car at the time) and he was the first person I told about this. The following night I had another dream that had my mother shopping in a HUGE warehouse that had shelves from top to bottom that went on forever. She kept picking up boxes and mumbling, “I really want to give my son something special now that I’m gone.” She finally picked up a box and said “THIS is it!!!! I want to give him THIS!” She turned the box around and it said DINODOGZ! When I awoke from this dream I knew for certain that my mother had brought this idea to me from the other side.
The last thing I will share from this year is that soon after my mother passed away I got a phone call one night. The southern voice said, “Michael, you don’t know me, my name is Darlene Cates (I knew who she was), and I heard about your momma and I just wanted to say I’m so sorry!”
OMG!!! Darlene Cates called ME!!! The beautiful woman who played the mother in the film What’s Eating Gilbert Grape!!! When I first saw that film with my then boyfriend Brian H at the Beverly Center in 1993 I wept. That was MY mother on the big screen! The body, the face, everything about her reminded me of my mother. (btw, that’s why I have not seen the film THE WHALE yet…someday…just not now). Darlene had heard about me and my mom through an acquaintance who gave her my phone number. We talked on the phone that night for almost 3 hours and then….over the next 3 months we talked on the phone for at least 2 to 3 hours a night. I honestly would NOT have made it through that time if not for Darlene. She sent me some sweet gifts in the mail and we stayed in touch over the years. In the beginning she asked me so many question about my mom. She wanted to know everything about her. She then told me “TELL HER STORY!” So I wrote a treatment for a possible movie about my mother’s life called ELLEN SUE. Darlene’s agent took it and shopped it around after calling me and telling me “I don’t know how much of this is true (everything), but I want you to know that I could not stop crying and I had to put it down and come back to it.”
Darlene’s agent shopped it around to Oprah, Lifetime and other places…EVERYONE loved it but they didn’t like the ending because she died…OY! So now, 26 years later, maybe it’s time I wrote a different ending…what happened to ME after her passing. What do you think? Could be the next WHALE. 😊
Thank you for reading. I have 3 events in a row coming up so if I miss a few days don’t worry, 1998 will be coming up soon enough. Happy Easter and Passover and whatever you celebrate on this 04/04/23 day.
By Michael Sean McHale
1997 was an extremely hard year for me. Lots of ups and downs. Mostly downs. ☹
It will be in two parts.
Earlier in the year I was dating a very sweet man named Marc. Most of the first half of the year was spent with him and running my Mystery company. My mother and I had a many conversations about her plan to move out to Los Angeles and make it her home with me. I was very very excited to have my best friend on the west coast with me. While she was making her plans though, sadly, her oldest younger brother, my Uncle Butch passed away. My beautiful mother, being the caregiver that she has always been since birth, took care of everything and kept the family together on the east coast. Then, before she knew it, she herself was becoming ill. She had been ill a number of times since I moved to LA but she always bounced back. This recent battle had me concerned and I spoke with my friend Dee Wallace about it. I told her quite honestly that this time felt different and I wasn’t sure it she was going to make it. Dee told me that if I truly believed this that I had to prepare myself for that moment. She then gave me one of the most honest and saddest pieces of advice I have ever received to this day. She told me, “Your mother is staying her for you. If you don’t let her go, she will not leave this plane.” My heart sunk but I knew it to be the absolute truth.
Just days later I got a call from my grandmother that my mother had been rushed to hospital. She was reached up to put curtains up in her new apartment and something in her stomach ‘popped’. Sadly because of her size (550 pounds), she would not fit into the MRI machine so they didn’t know what to do. I called the hospital and demanded to speak with my mother. They said “She’s being rushed into surgery!” I said, “I don’t care! PUT-HER-ON-THE-PHONE!” They did. ☹ She was breathing heavily and I asked her, “How you doing honey?” She wheezed with a slight chuckle, “Not so good.” I tried to hold back tears. “Everything is going to be okay soon. You’re not going to be in anymore pain.” “I know.” She wheezed. “Mom, I love you so much.” My heart was breaking with each word. She struggled, “I love you too.” And that was the last time we spoke. On THIS plane.
I went into my bedroom and screamed and screamed and took about a hundred deep breaths in and out in between wailing and moaning. Yes! That’s a thing! I cried out to the Big Guy, “Alright! Alright! I’ll let her go…” Tears streamed like rivers down my face, “MOM!!!! I let you go! Go! No more pain baby!” I sobbed what seemed like forever and was interrupted by my phone ringing…One of those ‘land line’ things…
I picked up the phone. My mother passed away at the precise moment I had let her go. ☹
DAY FOUR, YEAR FOUR: JANUARY 1, 1996 – December 31, 1996
By Michael Sean McHale
At the beginning of 1996 KOOKIE was traveling around the city to different locations and even made an appearance (4 of the characters) at WHOLE FOODS for the kids. It was magical.
But before I continue on our journey into 1996, there are a few things to note from 1993, 1994 and 1995 that were pretty significant.
In 1993 I booked my first film role in a movie called THE MAN WITHOUT A FACE! Mel Gibson was my director. They hired me to play a 17 year old cadet at a Military academy. I had to squeeze into a size 36 jacket…I couldn’t breathe for the next two days. We carried off the lead cadet at the end of the film. It was pretty magical sitting at the feet of Mr. Gibson (before he became crazy) and he gave us all some great advice. I also met a very good friend on that set. A guy named Michel. He was a wonderful guy and I always wondered what happened to him. We actually met at BILL DANCES office for the audition.
First, in 1994, I attended one of the most magical events in Los Angeles (still to this day) called DRAGSTRIP 66, created by Mr. Dan and Paul Vitagliano! There is a 30th Anniversary event for this remarkable event happening in April this year.
Well, Worthie, who had become one of my closest friends at this time, was asked by his friend, the incredible fashion designer, Chris Newlander, to attend this hot happening club, DRAGSTRIP 66. So he put on a Moo Moo (which is now owned by the one and only RuPaul) and MOMMA was born that night…However…things had an unexpected turn….
Worthie also worked at E.C. 2 Costumes. Bob Mackies Costume house and he was tasked with bringing a bunch of costumes to Japan for a new show called SPLASH. He was just going to fly to Japan, drop off the costumes and return soon after…Weeeeeell…when he got there, apparently the costumer who was supposed to be in charge was no longer there so Worthie ended up spending I believe, 2 months in Japan…he got to go Disneyland in Japan so he loved that part of it. In the meantime, we chatted on the phone on many occasions while he was in Japan (after 9 pm of course. 😊) and I told him that MOMMA had BLOWN UP! Everyone was wondering WHERE’S MOMMA??? It was pretty funny! When he returned to ‘mainland’ EVERYONE knew about MOMMA and if Instagram was around back then he/she would have had the most followers in town.
In the years to follow the two of us would go to many events and parties together…he as Momma and me as well, me…and we would literally spread the gospel of Jesus to hundreds in the LGBTQ community. Dozens would gather and sit and listen to this giant drag queen with the biggest heart on earth and myself telling them THEY WERE LOVED!!! Both of us have backgrounds in preaching and we reminded anyone who would listen that God loved them EXACTLY as they were and not to listen to the hateful rhetoric vomit spewed out of the ‘fake ‘c’hristians mouths that told them they were evil or less than. It STILL fumes me that anyone who calls themselves a Christian uses MY Lord Jesus as a weapon of hate and encourages young LGBTQ kids to commit suicide. I was one of those youth when I was 16 and condemned by ‘christians’ because I had a dream about a male friend and yes I DID contemplate suicide because of this at the time for the first time. Btw, we connected the first time when I shared a song I had written at the gay Bible study that we attended. He was very moved by it and told me so and after that we were inseparable…until we weren’t anymore. 😊
The other thing I need to add is from 1995…Remember that SIMPSONS script I had written “PUPPY LOVE”?
Well…I have to admit right now: I still to this day feel like it’s one of the best things I have ever written and I wasn’t the only one who thought so. A friend of mine from the Bible study was the assistant to the three creators of HOME IMPROVEMENT
and I asked him to read the script and let me know what he thought…Weeeeeell…he came back to me and told me…and I quote, “This is the funniest thing I have ever read in my life! The woman who hires writers for the show wants to meet with you but you need to have your agent send the script over so it’s legally submitted.” OMG!!!!! WHAT??? I wasn’t expecting this at all! I called my agent at the time immediately and she told her and she said she would ‘send it right over.’ Well, 2 weeks later, my friend asked me where the script was. I was confused. I called my agent again and she said “Oh yeah, I’ll get that right over…” Weeeeeell, 2 weeks later the same thing…And this continued for TWO MONTHS!!!!!!!!! And NO I am not kidding you! I had a chance to be a writer for this hysterical show and my ‘agent’ couldn’t get off her lazy ass and just SEND THE SCRIPT to Home Improvement. It was bizarre and MADDENING! To say the least. After two months and no results. And by then my friend told me that the woman from the show was extremely confused and was, in his words ‘over it’ so don’t bother anymore. Needless to say, I fired that moron of an agent. I hope she’s somewhere VERY ‘warm’ at this point, if you catch my drift. 😊
So now, onto 1996. It was a year of hundreds, if not thousands of Mystery Shows. I as a ‘hot ticket’ on the circuit of children’s entertainment. I was known by everyone in the biz now as MYSTERY MIKE…a name sweetly given to me by a six year old boy. I was doing a Mystery Show in Beverly Hills and I told everyone, “Hi! I’m Detective Mumbo Jumbo Columbo (my wacky detective name), but you can call me Mike…and a six year old boy said, “You’re not Mike…you’re MYSTERY MIKE!” So I took it! Out of the mouth of babes right?
I was also a Celebrity escort at the GLAAD Awards this year. This time for a very talented lady name Lily Tomlin. I spent the entire evening with her. Taking care of her and her partner Jane Wagner. They were both so kind and loving to me. I was honored to be in the presence of such greatness. And btw, if you have not seen her new film with Jane Fonda, MOVING ON….GO!!!! It’s a very sweet and powerful film that carries some great messages with it. You are going to fall in love with the little boy who visits Lily’s character at her assisted living apartment. Bring tissues.
Around this time as well and within the past year, I was sitting at a wonderful place called THE ABBEY in West Hollywood with some friends and I heard a VERY distinctive Boston accent loudly behind me. I turned to see a very handsome man named Tony with a group of people. He was making some funny comments and I heard the word ARSE flying around. I was hooked. We ended up dating for a while. He encouraged me to move to West Hollywood because my car kept having ‘parts’ stolen from it once a month. He said “You might as well pay the extra $200 for a locked garage.” He was right…but just before I did, he was planning on moving to another state and he came to my place the night before he was to leave so we could spend what was to be our last night together. He parked his pickup in front of my apartment in Hollywood. Sadly in the morning the truck was gone. He never got it back. I swear I had nothing to do with it. Yes, I didn’t want him to move away but I would NEVER!!!! 😊 He moved to West Hollywood with me to a wonderful complex on Larrabee St where another new friend I had met with Tony, Nancy, lived as well at the time.
I don’t remember when Tony and I parted ways but I know that my mom had come out in ’95 we were already broken up because I was dating a sweet guy from Orange County who ran a piano company, I think it was ROLAND maybe? Tony did remain in my life for many years after and Nancy is still a part of my life now almost 30 years later. We’re actually going to the Huntington Gardens tomorrow. 😊
Two things happened to me in the acting world that really stuck with me at this time as well and not in a good way.
First, I was up for a major role in a Mountain Dew commercial. It’s the one with the four guys walking through the woods…Well, I attempted to check my machine while out with a friend and I couldn’t access my ‘machine’. I DID book the role, but because I couldn’t confirm it, it was given to someone else. Aaaaargh!!!!! And secondly…I got a meet and greet with a commercial agency called Commercials Unlimited…I don’t even know if they’re still around now….but they told my manager at the time, “We REALLY loved Michael-Shaun but we thought he was too ‘fay’ Soooo disappointed in them for that. 🙁
Well, that’s it for now. 1997 was one of the hardest years of my life. It may take me awhile to finish it. Some of you know why but for the rest of you, you’ll find out in the coming days why it still lingers today. ☹
DAY THREE, YEAR THREE: JANUARY 1, 1995 – December 31, 1995
By Michael Sean McHale
Boy oh boy! 1995! Where do I start? And when would it end?
First of all, four phone calls at the Party company changed my life. I received three separate calls within a week asking if we did Mystery Shows for kids. I always replied, “No…no…and no…” After the 3rd one I thought to myself, “WHY don’t we do Mystery shows for kids?” I went home that night and prayed about it and the next day while I was in the shower (GREAT IDEAS ALWAYS HAPPEN IN THE SHOWER!!!) I literally SAW the whole Mystery party…a bumbling detective, a suspicious woman and stolen presents!!!!! When I arrived at the office that morning a mom called and asked “Do you do Mystery Shows for kids?” I happily replied, “As a matter of fact, we DO!” And I told her exactly what I saw in my vision and she booked it on the spot! I am still friends with the mom and little girl (in the photo below). I told the owner we should do more Mystery shows and she wasn’t interested at all. It was probably after the ‘moment’ we had that is described below.
I do need to insert a quick inspiring moment here. When I first arrived in Los Angeles, I flew up to visit a friend in San Francisco. He was a hot Marine fling I had met in Hawaii just a couple of years before. We were just friends but I really wanted to see San Francisco. We were walking on a main street and went into a store and there were beautiful fedoras in the store. I reached out and picked one up and felt ‘electricity’ as I put it on. “I’m going to get this hat.” I smiled. My friend Steve chuckled…”Oh please, you’re NEVER gonna wear that thing!” I looked at him and smugly grunted, “Oh yes I WILL!” That fedora is what began the inspiration for my Mystery Shows and I wore it to my first 10,000 mysteries!!!! ALSO seen in the photo below with my ‘suspicious’ woman, my dear friend Jordan Monks!
So, moving on…the husband of the woman I worked for was producing a five-part film/show series for National Geographic and he knew I was a writer so he asked me for some ideas. I gave him a really fun idea about having a tree that talks to the children as they sit around her/it and shared wisdom with them and gave them advice about the world around them. He LOVED it and wanted to do that and wanted to bring me on to work with him for a year making and producing the five films/shows. I was ECSTATIC!!! THIS is why I came out here to Los Angeles in the first place! To make a difference in children’s programming! It is and has ALWAYS been my #1 goal!
Well, sadly those plans were about to be derailed as I sat working late with his wife/the owner of the Party company. We were putting together flyers for the new year to all of the old clients. We were sitting on the floor of the office and she looked sweetly at me (by the way, she was a very pretty lady with 2 daughters and we had recently celebrated her 40th birthday at that fun Moroccan restaurant I think on Sunset….but I digress AGAIN…). She looked at me sweetly and said “I have a confession to make.” Okay I thought…she continued….She pointed to my headshot that I jokingly put up MONTHS ago that said “EMPLOYEE OF THE WEEK” all the time….See I told you it was coming back into the story…She said “I come in here every night and hold your photo close to my chest and say ‘I love you’ to your picture.” OH SHIT!!! “I love you Michael-Shaun and I want you to make love to me!” THERE IT WAS! I stammered, “What about your husband and two little daughters?” She shook her head, “I don’t care about them! I just want us to leave this place and go away and spend the rest of our lives together….”
OMG! WHAT WAS HAPPENING???? She sighed dreamily, “I don’t know if you’re gay or straight or what but I don’t care…I love you!” I stammered again, “I…um…I believe that EVERYONE is bisexual! We must be right? I mean we have our mothers genes and our fathers genes so that MUST be true right?” She looked confused and then continued to shock me…”Have you gotten phone calls at night and no one says anything? Or they hang up?” I nodded. “That was ME!” she went on. GULP! “I have called you hundreds of times to tell you how I feel and have hung up every time…” NOW I’m sweating and getting REEEEEEEALLY uncomfortable. She continued….”I have driven to your apartment and sat outside hoping to catch a glimpse of you many nights…” OH GREAT! ANOTHER STALKER! (I’ve had 9 up to the present btw) ☹ “Won’t you please fuck me?” I graciously declined and begged her to NOT tell her husband about this because we were about to begin filming next month….She PROMISED she wouldn’t say anything….
The next day I came into work and her husband, looking irritated told me, “Michael, we need to talk.” FUCK! SHIT! MOTHER********! We walked out to the garage storage space, his wife nowhere to be found. He turned to me and said bluntly, “I hear my wife wants you to fuck her!” I swear my head spun into space and back. “Um, well, maybe, but it’s not going to happen. Nothing happened, EVER!” He arrogantly grunted, “Yeah, yeah, I know that.” HEY WAIT A MINUTE! I thought but didn’t speak…he continued, “I think you’re amazing and talented but I just can’t spend the next year sitting next to a man that my wife wants to….” FUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!
Sooooo, as you’ve probably guessed, the year long project with National Geographic never happened….For ME! He went ahead and made the films/series AND used ALL of my ideas and I never got any credit or any payment or anything. It really sucked donkey balls but as I planned my next move…ie: LEAVE THE STALKER WOMAN BOSS! I had a plan a BIG plan! And on February 15, 1995 I created my company, MYSTERIES BY MIKE and my friend Mark created my logo that I still use today, 28 years later. And to date I have produced, written and performed in over 30,000 events for over 1 MILLION children and written 500,000 riddles and clues. Like that wacky fun secretary on Moonlighting. SHE was one of my inspirations. So, I believe I won in the end. The woman ended up leaving her husband and is now married to her lesbian wife and they share a child together. I very happy for her. She attempted to steal my Mystery show idea after she destroyed my life but YA CAN’T DUPLICATE MY MAGIC! 😊
At this time as well I was part of a wonderful gay church in North Hollywood called CHRIST CHAPEL OF THE VALLEY! Reverend Jerrell Walls is a phenomenal preacher and has provided a beautiful safe space for LGBTQ Christians 30 years ago and is still there today. My best friend at the time Worthie Paul Meacham was singing in the choir and he brought his fantastic and hysterically funny mother to the service. I sat up front with her and they handed out the communion wafers as Worthie was up there singing his big gay heart out and his mother took the wafer, ate it and then SPIT IT OUT! Saying “This tastes horrible!” I replied, “Well, I guess the body of Christ is an acquired taste.” I nervously whispered as Worthie was AGASHT and I though for sure he was gonna fall off the stage. She was a great woman and I miss her. She treated me like a 3rd son.
So, my Mystery company was booming on the weekends. Sometimes I had 8 to 10 shows between Friday and Sunday. I was the ONLY one who was doing Mystery Shows specifically for kids in town. My friend Eric Sharp was keeping the adults happy with his AMAZING Murder Mystery shows over at He is still doing them and now he has added INSANE mind blowing MAGIC as well. Be sure to check him out! I had him at my birthday in 2021 and people STILL ask me “How the F*** did he do that?”
I was offered a job to be a teacher/camp counselor at an incredible camp in the Palisades called Pali-Camp. It too is still there and offers amazing, extreme sports for the kids too. My job was to drive a 21 seat van from my house to the Camp each day and pick up 21 Campers along the way to Pacific Palisades. I was to be in charge of the “Munchkins” the 4 to 6 year olds once we were at the Camp itself. It was a fantastic summer!
I looked over my pickup list on my first day and the first two names were Robert & Khloe Kardashian. I shrugged and wondered if they were related to the lawyer guy representing OJ. Weeeeeell….when stop #1 happened, there they were with their beautiful Mom Chris Jenner! She was so warm and kind to me. And THIS is why I personally LOVE LOVE LOVE the Kardashians! Robert and Khloe were the 1st pickup and the last drop off every day. After the 2nd day Chris invited me to join them for dinner and go swimming. Thus began “How I spent my summer with the Kardashians!” Yes people! ALL of them were so loving and kind to me and welcomed me with open arms into their family. On occasion I would take Robert and Khloe out for the day on a Saturday to the movies (the El Capitan) and lunch and when I would return the nanny would weep and thank me for giving them a few hours of ‘NORMAL’ time. Most people don’t understand first hand like I do. These kids, Kim, Kourtney, Khloe and Robert were CONSTANTLY being hounded by paparazzi everywhere they went. Being asked stupid questions like “Do you think OJ is guilty? What does your mother think?” So I say GOOD FOR THEM! For turning the tables and becoming a successful Dynasty that they are. They LITERALLY went through HELL as children! They deserve all of the success they have today, 28 years later. They were the some of the kindest and loving people I have ever met in my 30 years in Hollywood and I am humbled and grateful that I got to be a part of their lives for the summer of ’95. Khloe used to sit up front and talk with me every day on the way to Camp. One day she told me, “The paparazzi chase me every day and ask me if I think OJ is guilty…” I asked her “What do you tell them?” She responded, “I tell them, my mom thinks he’s guilty, my dad thinks he’s not guilty and my lawyer says I’m not allowed to talk about it.” “Good for you!” I told her. 😊 And I recently chatted with her on a ‘facebook live’ thing she did and she remembered me and wondered why I always hung around after Camp. Now she knew why. Chris and Bruce were so wonderful to me. And they knew that I had HIV/AIDS at the time and they embraced me even closer.
But there’s one more magical thing that happened at Camp that summer…Remember in 1993 that I told my friend Heather from Boston that I only wanted to meet Dee Wallace Stone and Dan Gauthier? Weeeeell…..One of my pickup spots was at the top of Mulholland Drive and low and behold who was there with their 4 year old son Cole? Dan Gauthier and his beautiful wife Lisa Fuller! My jaw dropped!!! I couldn’t believe it! My life was complete. I met the only two celebrities that I wanted to meet. Cole was a part of my Camp group too and he was a little shy at first but I welcomed him and he became my favorite camper (might still be). We had such a great connection that he insisted on coming back for the second session. I think they went in 2 week increments. Dan and Lisa also invited me into their world and their home and I felt like a part of their family too. I even wrote a sitcom for the comedienne Elayne Boosler called ELAYNE’S CHAPEL and I wanted Dan to play the lead opposite the character based off Elayne’s character. But I’ll write about that in 1996. 😊 When it actually happened. I still keep in touch with Dan and Lisa a little. I need to say hi more. They are truly wonderful genuine people that I cherish so much. If you haven’t seen TEEN WITCH yet WATCH IT! That’s where they met and got married soon after.
Three more significant things happened to me in 1995. I wrote my first children’s musical “KOOKIE CLUBHOUSE KINGDOM” (see video from the reboot here). It is an interactive, multicultural, educational, musical mystery comedy for children of ALL ages! I connected with the INSANELY talented singer/songwriter/composer Laurie Grant who wrote all of the music for the show. If you don’t have it already GET her cd ICE CREAM FOR BREAKFAST! I play it for my kids constantly! I had originally wrote it as a tv show but my friend Michael Foley suggested I put it on stage to see how it would work. I did and it did beautifully! It ran off and on for 4 months beginning in December of that year beginning in the courtyard of the Richard Pryor Theater in Hollywood and then traveling to various parks and stages around Hollywood and Beverly Hills. Dan, Lisa and Cole came to the show as did Dee and her daughter Gabby. 🙂
Here is peek at the show when we recently did it at The Fringe Festival in Hollywood
My mother Ellen Sue flew out for the month of December and sadly, that would be the last time I would see her and hold her before she passed away in later years. (I don’t want to give it away yet) ☹ She was so proud of me and sat and watched the show every weekend. God I miss her. ☹ The photo below was the last time we hugged. 🙁
The last big thing that happened was I had my first two auditions. Remember back in 1994 I met the amazing Dee Wallace Stone? Well, now I was ready. I booked the role of the ‘Popcorn boy’ for BEST BUYS Hollywood spot. (see photo below) and then I booked a role for the lead in an industrial for GLAXCO WELLCOME. I had the role of Tony, a gay man who was not allowed to visit his partner in the hospital who was dying from AIDS. They wanted (and legally NEEDED) someone with AIDS to play the role…I HAPPILY auditioned. The producers were astounded when I wept during my audition. (yes, I can cry on cue when needed). I was hired for one day but they liked me so much they kept me for three days and THAT’S how I got my SAG card. Yup…Thank you AIDS for the SAG blessing! 😊 I still have not seen the actual industrial. I have attempted many times to contact the company to no avail. ☹ But it was a life changing experience for me and I impressed myself by booking the very first audition I went out for. 😊 They DID make me wait for 3 months before they confirmed it. The woman producer called me and told me she INSISTED on ME! She fought to have me in the role of Tony. I am so grateful that I had someone looking out for me.
Until next time. I hope you enjoyed my 1995 journey…See you all in 1996. It was a slow year I think. 😊
DAY TWO, YEAR TWO: JANUARY 1, 1994 – December 31, 1994
By Michael Sean McHale
January of 1994 started to shake things up…LITERALLY. On Sunday, January 16th I was so excited because I just gotten a new gym membership and I rearranged my entire bedroom and got super super organized. Bob may not believe this, but there was a time in my life where I was an absolute perfectionist about where everything went and I was incredibly neat. 😊 So I went to bed that night happy as clam (what does that even mean?). Then IT happened!!!!!!
At 4:31 am on January 17th, 1994, on Martin Luther King Jr. Day I had a dream that a GIANT was shaking my apartment. I woke up in complete darkness to the roar of a freaking 6.7 EARTHQUAAAAAAKE!!!! I panicked and yelled out, “THE DOOR!!! GET TO THE DOORWAY!!!” I ran to what I thought was the doorway….”SHIT!!!! It’s the bathroom!” (Remember I had LITERALLY rearranged my entire bedroom just hours before so I was completely confused in complete darkness!)…I ran to the doorway…”SHIT!!! THE WINDOW!!!” The roar and rumbling continued and I ran to the the doorway…”SHIT!!! THE CLOSET!!!!” My heart raced!! Where the FUCK was the doorway???? I found it and ran outside as the movement stopped. Mind you…all of the above took place in about 20 seconds…My landlords and my neighbors were out front. The sidewalk in front of my apartment had split in two. We were all out of breath. I peeked inside to see where my cats were….Nowhere to be found…They showed up 3 days later from wherever they were hiding.
I called my mother immediately, “MOM!!!! There was just a HUGE earthquake!!!” She laughed it off, “No there wasn’t. There’s nothing on the news.” I assured her for a few more moments that there was in fact one. Then we hung up. One minute later she called back SCREAMING!!! “OH MY GOD!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!” (I guess she saw the news. LOL! She BEGGED me to come back home that day. I told her no, this is what I signed up for. She was in hysterics and I couldn’t get her off the phone. Obviously I did not move back to Woburn after the 6.7 earthquake. Did I think about it? Nah. I was up for an adventure and believe me the next month was about to change EVERYTHING once again all thanks to, of all things…an Easter Bunny. 😊
In February I received a call from a new client at the party company. She ordered an Easter Bunny for Easter day for her daughter and her friends. I took the order…”Dee Wallace Stone….Hmmmmm….are you any relation to E.T.s mom?” I asked. She laughed, “You could say we’re like sisters.” I shrugged it off…must have been mistaken…Cut to March she called to confirm everything was all set for Easter. I was highly suspicious…”You even SOUND like E.T.s mom….” She laughed again and said, “I hope so or my agent would kill me!” NOW I got the joke! “Wait a minute!!! It IS YOU!!!!” She laughed, “You got me!” We shared a laugh and then she told me that she knew I wasn’t going to be the Easter bunny myself but she would love it if I came to the celebration. She appreciated my sincerity and humor and energy and she wanted to meet me. OMG!!!! This was like a DREAM come true!!!! “YES!!!!! I will be in attendance with your Easter Bunny!” And thank GOD I did…Poor RoseAnn (the actress playing the bunny), the kids couldn’t hear her, they pounded on her head (NOT Dee’s daughter Gabby), so I took over and ran all of the games and then Dee invited me to attend her acting class. At the time I wasn’t an actor at all and I wasn’t pursuing that but I agreed to check out her class. WOW! My life has NEVER been the same since! 😊
Around the same time I had seen an ad in a gay magazine about “Loving God as a gay man” and an invitation to attend a Bible study. Those of you who know me personally know that I am in fact a Gay Born Again Christian. Have been since I was 14 years old and still love Jesus with my entire being so this excited me. HOWEEEEEEVER….Having JUST escaped the cult I was a part of for the 2nd time before moving out west I was VERY suspicious that this might be a TRAP to get me back into the cult so I called multiple times and hung up before I finally connected with a gentleman named Paul Bandy. I was invited to attend a Gay friendly church in Pasadena and I went very reluctantly still thinking “This might be a trap!” Turns out it was not and I met the most wonderful gay and lesbian Christians who were a part of an incredible group called EVANGELICALS CONCERNED, a gay and lesbian group of believers just like me that was founded by a wonderful man named Dr Ralph Blair. This group changed my life in the most beautiful ways and grounded me even more on my spiritual path as a gay Christian man.
I met who would become my best friend at the time, Worthie, and I spent time with the amazing preacher MEL WHITE…who happens to be the father of Mike White, the creator of WHITE LOTUS..small world right? At one point I had put up notices at the gay gym I attended that read “ARE YOU GAY AND LOVE JESUS? GIVE US A CALL AND MEET OTHERS LIKE YOU!” Over the next 5 months I received over 100 calls, I counseled every guy who called and invited them to attend our Bible study. About 70 of these guys did in fact attend and some are actually met their life partners at our little Bible study in West Hollywood. Powerful and wonderful times to say the least.
I also became involved with the amazing group GLAAD at this time. GLAAD stands for THE GAY & LESBIAN ALLIANCE AGAINST DEFAMATION. This organization makes it a point to be sure that there our community is represented in the media, on tv, in film, etc. I attended their meetings weekly and at the award ceremonies I was a celebrity escort many times (more about that later) and the TROPHY boy one year on stage with all the celebrities. (more on that later too). At one of their biggest meetings there was an outcry that the organization was constantly being attacked by Right Wing Fundamentalists and other ‘christian’ groups and they didn’t know what to do. My heart leapt! This is MY wheelhouse!!! I stood up and told the very large crowd that they needed to EDUCATE themselves and arm themselves with the scriptures that these insane people use to condemn our community. My ‘brief’ comments ended up becoming an impromptu ‘sermon’ that went on for 20 to 30 minutes as I shared about the CLOBBER PASSAGES and what they REALLY translated into.
The crowd got excited and asked me questions and everyone felt empowered that evening. At the end of the night I met the very talented Joe Keenan (a writer from Frasier) and Karen Ocamb, a freelance reporter who asked me if she could interview me for GENRE magazine. It wound up being the cover story “Can you be Gay AND Christian?” (paraphrased 😊) It was pretty awesome! But the most wonderful that happened was that I was asked by GLAAD to ‘educate’ them on the clobber passages so they would know what to say to these hypocrites who claim to love or know Jesus and so I filmed a series for them and it was shared with their entire organization. 😊 Mission accomplished! 😊
In August of ’94 I did an Alice in Wonderland party in Brentwood. I played the white rabbit. When I walked in the foyer there was a huge safe with the name “SCHWARZENEGGER” on the front. I didn’t think anything of it until I was outside and thought a woman there may or may not have looked like Maria Shriver. Then at the end of the party as I was standing in the kitchen about to ‘skin’ the rabbit off of my body, I heard a familiar voice behind me say “Hey look! It’s a bunny rabbit!” I turned and yes the Terminator was standing right in front of me. He held out his hand and shook my hand and said “Hello Mr Bunny rabbit!” I tried so hard not to laugh at the surrealism that was happening in the moment. And just now in this moment I realized that TWO bunny rabbits brought me in contact with two pretty awesome celebrities in ’94. When Arnold was leaving with his family, my buddy Scotty Martin handed him one of our business cards and said “You need to hire US for your next party!” And low and behold the next month I played PONGO from 101 Dalmatians for Patrick Schwarzenegger’s 1st birthday at their mansion just off of Sunset Blvd in the Palisades. And it was an afternoon like no other….
I arrived and the assistant took me to what she called the ‘guest house’ next to the mansion….this ‘guest house’ was the former mansion of John Forsythe. She told me that Arnold bought the mansion when John moved out because he didn’t want anyone living next to them. I should mention that there are only two houses on this very private street. They had me chill out in what seemed to be Arnolds gym/rec room. There were photos of him and Jamie Lee Curtis on the table from the film TRUE LIES that had JUST come out a couple of months before.
The assistant fed me and gave me some sodas and then told me “It’s time.” I dressed up as PONGO and they handed me the cake and I walked out onto the tennis court where the party was as everyone sang happy birthday to little Patrick. I ‘worked’ a total of 10 minutes and made a nice paycheck. Arnold slipped me a $200 tip. It was the largest tip I had received and kept the top spot until someone named Idina topped surpassed it years later…but that’s for another time.
I want to also mention that when I left the original party where Arnold and I first met I saw my very first Hummer! Apparently it was a gift for the Terminator. I believe he may have been one of the first ‘civilians’ to own one. (they came out in ’92)
In closing this year, I was at my gym on a thing called a ‘payphone’ talking to my friend about his writing agent. When I got off the phone, a very handsome Latin man approached me and asked if I was a writer. I told him yes I was. He then asked me if I could write something for him. He had just been a show called THE ROUND TABLE with Aaron Spellings company. His name was David L. I created a Latin Dramedy for him called THE BROTHERS THREE and his Manager got me a meeting with Mr. Spellings production company. I went in and pitched the show to a woman named Cheryl. She LOVED it! Told me it was a mixture of Northern Exposure meets Cosby but with a primary Latin cast. She told me that I needed to come back in two months when they would be officially looking at new projects. I was ECSTATIC!!! Sadly, two months later she had been let go and was now in charge of programming at Fox. I contacted her and she told me “I can’t look at it here because I looked at over at Spelling Productions. Arrrgh!!! I contacted Aaron Spellings people and they told me “We can’t touch it because Cheryl already looked at and now she was working somewhere else.” So my beautiful Latin Dramedy about 3 brothers became DOA! I pitched it over at HBO who were now developing new shows geared towards the Latin community. They also loved it but they wanted to make it into a Comedy. I told them that it wasn’t meant to be a comedy and I walked away from the table. I know! I know! Sadly I didn’t know how to play the game back then. So if anyone is interested…I still have this beautiful Latin DRAMEDY that should be in production right now! 😊
By the way, David and I dated off and on. Fun fact about him: he was the handsome young Latin man in the Army commercials back in the day. He told me that he worked one day and the commercial ran ALL the time and he made over $80,000 from that one spot. Those were the days right?
See you all next time when we visit 1995 and you find out about my connection to a guy named OJ! 😊
The night before I left for Los Angeles, I had dinner with my friend Heather from my job on the stock market. She was really scared for me because I only knew one person, Craig DeSilva, out in LA. She tried to be positive about it and said that at least I was going to get to meet so many celebrities and stars out in Hollywood. I shrugged it off and told her point blank that there were only two celebrities that I was interested in meeting and they were Dee Wallace Stone and Dan Gauthier. Of course her reaction was “Who’s Dan Gauthier?” (heavy sigh). Hello??? Brad from TEEN WITCH!!!? I had it in my head that on the west coast, Dee was my ideal Hollywood Mom and Dan was my ideal Hollywood brother. You’ll find out in the years ahead that I did in fact meet and become friends with both of them in unique ways.
So my first year in Los Angeles was not without lots of laughter, drama and adventures.
My friend Craig had offered me his place to sublet while he went to New York for three months but that all changed just before my move so he set up multiple places for me to check out when I arrived.
My first celebrity sighting was in fact Elizabeth Perkins aka: Wilma Flintstone. I was at Wells Fargo Bank in Larchmont Village to open up an account with them and there she was right in front of me. She smiled at me and I told her how much I loved BIG. Just a few days later Wells Fargo closed my account because of ‘fraud’. This is when I found out that an ex roommate of mine from the North End of Boston, Eric O., had stolen my identity and took out a $50,000.00 loan in MY name with MY social security number…this was back in the day that you social security was on your drivers license. So within a week I discovered that my credit was not so good because of this thieving ex roommate. In the later years I would discover that he did something else with my identity as well….but I digress. I will write about that when it’s time.
I had moved in with my mom 8 months before my move so I could put away a substantial amount of money. I also cashed out my 401K with the stock market to fund my move. My big plan was to not work for the first year in Los Angeles and make some connections, meet people and write…Yes. I am primarily a writer, acting was never something that I was interested in back then at all. I studied some acting back in Boston, but I have been writing my entire life. Writing has always been my passion. I had even been corresponding with Michael J. Fox’ people about a wonderful animated story I created called THE MESSENGERS! He expressed some interest in portraying the lead character Stanley, the Stamp. I even wrote a treatment for an episode of my new favorite show DEEP SPACE NINE before the move and was excited to show it to someone. My main goal coming to Los Angeles was to hopefully make a difference in children’s programming as a writer.
Well…. the Universe had MUCH different plans for me. I moved into my first apartment near Larchmont Village on Norton Ave on April 1st, 1993 and my new landlord sold me my very first car; a 1968 Orange Chevy Nova. He told me it ran great but it needed a tune up as soon as possible. Now, never having owned a car before, to me ‘as soon as possible’ meant…you know…’sometime’ in the future…OY VEY!
You can guess what happened next. In May, while driving on the 5 freeway near the city of Industry, my Nova died and now I was carless because I was careless 🙁 and my ‘year off’ turned into just 2 months off and I needed to find work pronto! I had two opportunities, one was to be the Manager of a gay restaurant called BASIX, the other was to perform at children’s parties for a children’s party company….guess which one I ended up with? 🙂
My friend Craig did parties and got me in the door and my first gig in Los Angeles was as a clown at a car dealership in the city of Duarte over Memorial Day weekend. I had a crash course in balloon animals and makeup by the owner of the company and off I went. I was booked for two days at the dealership. My first day I terrified the kids because my makeup was melting and I looked like a VERY very scary clown. I wept in the new used car a new friend had found for me. I was ready to quit but my gut whispered “Stay.” The 2nd day everything was wonderful and no face melting was present. LOL! The next gig however…AYE YI YI!!!!
My 2nd gig (which I was sure would be my last), I was playing the Penguin to another actors’ Batman…Well……Batman was shorter than me so I had to spend the entire 2 hour party crouched down so I would be shorter than him. I was SOOOOOOO done! On the elevator ride down in this gorgeous complex on Wilshire Blvd in Westwood (I still cringe when I drive by it), I said out loud to God and probably the security guard watching on the elevator camera, “That’s it! I’m NEVER going to do kids parties EVER AGAIN!” But again, I heard a quiet whisper “Stay. Just wait.” I groaned and threw my hands up in defeat. “FINE! I’ll give it ONE more chance!”
Well, NOW my life was about to take a mind-blowing turn that I NEVER expected in my wildest dreams. Soon after the Penguin debacle, the owner asked me if I knew of anyone who would be interested in working full time in the office, talking to clients and booking the gigs…being the new office Manager as her current office manager was getting married and moving to the San Francisco area. My heart jumped as I proclaimed to her “ME! ME! ME!” She hired me on the spot and I ran the office until February of 1995. And as a running joke I had MY headshot up every week for employee of the month. It was funny…until it wasn’t….but THAT comes up in 1994. Muwahahahaha.
The moral of the story is this, even if your first car breaks down two months after you moved to a strange land because you were careless and now carless, the Universe will take care of you and provide a way. NEVER GIVE UP! And always, ALWAYS listen to your gut! If I didn’t, I would probably be restaurant manager somewhere now. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. 😊
For the rest of the year, I played Barney the Dinosaur HUNDREDS of times along with Mickey and Aladdin 287 times over the years and Power Rangers also hundreds of times which came in handy in year 1998 heeeeheeeeheeee.
The first pets I had were two black headed finches Heckle & Jeckle and a beautiful fluffy orange and white cat named Mississippi. My two cats from home, MISS ONLY & MISS TILLY would be arriving in November of that year when my mother, Ellen Sue Garvey flew out to stay with me for a month to celebrate Thanksgiving with me. I have to sadly report that Heckle and Jeckle did not make it to December with three cats conspiring against them. ☹
During this time I did many parties for some famous people including Chevy Chase (five parties total) including an Aladdin show (see photo) and the great Wayne Gretzky…also about five parties including a HUGE Christmas party and of course Barney the Dinosaur. 😊 I also made some incredible friends along the way, some that I am still in contact with including Jordan Monks, RoseAnn Kelley, Eric Sharp and Scotty Martin.
I was originally going to write each post from March to March of each year but decided I would do it year by year instead so “I” wouldn’t get confused. lol. So for now I leave you at the end of 1993. Having been in Los Angeles for a little over nine months things were going pretty great. I had a job that I loved. I even had a writing Agent and I had written my very first spec script for THE SIMPSONS that I think is pretty freaking awesome! (I STILL want them to make it so if anyone has any connections…), however, things were about to SHAKE UP in 1994 in the very first month…Stay tuned. 😊
It has been a loooooong time since I have posted and I apologize with all of my heart! I have been on quite a journey since Covid hit back in March of 2020 like the rest of the world and I will share in a lot more detail later but for now I have three things to CELEBRATE!
#1 I FOUND MY FATHER!!!! Along with 5 incredible siblings, Debra, John, Kim Marie, Chris and Ashley! On Fathers Day of 2020 I officially connected with these wonderful people and it’s been an insanely fantastical journey getting to know them and meeting them and the rest of the McHale clan….Yes! I was NEVER a Hennessey….I am a McHALE!!!!! Check out the surprise video where I met my father, John McHale for the very first time. The other surprise videos should follow after…
#2. I WROTE MY FIRST CHILDREN’S BOOK!!!!! YES! With the help of the amazing illustrator Mike Goldstein DinoDogz has HATCHED! and you can check it out at our official site
20% of all of the profits go directly to various animal and children’s charities so if you have a charity you would like to bless as a beneficiary please email the DinoDogz directly at for more information!
#3. I WROTE, PRODUCED AND CO-STAR IN A SHORT FILM! My beautiful passion project of 40 years LENA’S DANCE (starring DEE WALLACE!) is now complete and visiting the film festivals as I type! Today is Tuesday, February 21at 2023 and Lena will be making her HOLLYWOOD PREMIERE next Wednesday, March 1st at 9:30 at the MANNS CHINESE THEATER as a part of The Golden State Film Festival and I am absolutely ECSTATIC!!!! Please check out our site at
You can also check out our official trailer and music video below.
I have been honored to take part in some wonderful Podcasts of late as well and I will be posting those on here later this week.
I will also be continuing my 11:11 Meditations as often as possible when time permits. They will be live on my Instagram @IamMiracleMike and on Facebook live and on my IamMiracleMike Youtube channel (the last one will be starting in March on my 3 year anniversary March 14th.
Please follow me on Instagram @99DinoDogz @IamMiracleMike and @MichaelMcHaleActor to catch up on all of the wonderful things happening daily in my world. And please subscribe to this blog and my Youtube channels as well.
Love you all so much! Keep Shining! Miracle Mike McHale
Miracle Mike is available for powerful Healing sessions, whether in person or Distant healing.
My goal as a Healer is the same as my Mentor, Dee Wallaces’, to help people wake up to the fact that THEY can heal THEMSELVES. This was also a message that Jesus gave to HIS followers as well. No one can truly heal another person…only provide YOU with the tools to ALLOW the self healing in your own body.
Remember, you have 7 billion, billion BILLION cells in your body just waiting for direction from YOU….so remind yourself to be happy, healthy and wealthy EVERY day! Drop me a line and I’ll help remind you how powerful you truly are.
15, 30 and 60 minute sessions available for Distant and in person sessions.